ETESA Completes New 230 kV ACCC® Transmission Line in Panama

With the support of EPC firm Celmec, S.A. and LIM Panama Construction, ETESA, Panama’s government owned utility completed the installation of 110 kilometers of Drake size ACCC conductor on their new AES GANA 230 kV project in Colon, Panama.

ETESA selected ACCC conductor due to its high capacity and greatly improved efficiency compared to conventional bare overhead conductors. Their selection of ACCC conductor was also based on a country-wide initiative to reduce transmission losses below 4% which is helping the country secure outside investment funds. This is allowing them to build a more robust grid without burdening ratepayers. Learn more here.

Colon is a Panamanian city and sea port beside the Caribbean Sea, lying near the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal. It is the capital of Panama’s Colón Province and has traditionally been known as Panama’s second city. Originally, it was located entirely on Manzanillo Island, surrounded by Limon Bay, Manzanillo Bay and the Folks River, but, since the disestablishment of the Panama Canal Zone, the city’s limits have been redefined to include Fort Gulick, a former U.S. Army base, as well the former Canal Zone towns of Cristobal, Margarita and Coco Solo.

The ACCC conductor used for ETESA’s project was manufactured by Viakon / Viakable and ancillary hardware was supplied by Preformed Line Products PLP. ACCC conductor was selected for this new line due to the government’s mandate to use the most energy efficient products available, as reduced line losses allows more electricity to be delivered at lower costs.

To learn more about How Panama is Building the World’s Most Efficient Power Grid… and why it matters, please READ THIS

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